Soul Ties

How to Deal with Materialistic Soul Ties

Matthew Bell

In a world driven by consumerism and the pursuit of wealth, it's easy for Christians to develop materialistic soul ties. These ungodly attachments to material possessions or wealth can quietly take root in our lives, pulling us away from our true purpose—serving God with all our heart, mind, and soul. Materialistic soul ties aren't just about accumulating stuff; they reflect an unhealthy emotional or spiritual bond with things that replace God’s central role in our hearts.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what materialistic ungodly soul ties are, how they affect our walk with Christ, and practical, biblical steps to break free and live with a heart fully devoted to God.

1. Understanding Materialistic Soul Ties

A materialistic soul tie is an unhealthy spiritual or emotional attachment to money, possessions, or status. These ties are formed when our love for material things surpasses our love for God. Jesus warned us about this in Matthew 6:24: "No one can serve two masters... You cannot serve both God and money." Materialistic soul ties are often rooted in idolatry, where we give things, wealth, or status the place of honor and importance that belongs only to God.

These attachments can manifest in several ways, such as:

  • An obsession with wealth, constantly striving to accumulate more.
  • Finding identity, security, or self-worth in material possessions.
  • Feeling anxious or empty without material goods or financial stability.
  • An inability to give generously or trust God with your finances.

When these ties take hold, they distract us from seeking God's kingdom first (Matthew 6:33) and can trap us in a cycle of greed, envy, and dissatisfaction.


2. Signs of Materialistic Soul Ties

How do you know if you’re dealing with a materialistic soul tie? Here are a few signs that may indicate an unhealthy attachment to worldly things:

Obsessive Thoughts about Money or Possessions: If your thoughts are consumed by financial worries, career success, or acquiring more material goods, it may indicate that your heart is tied to material things.

inability to Let Go: Are you hesitant to give or donate items, even when you know they aren't essential? Clinging to possessions or wealth shows that your heart may be bound to them.

Comparison and Envy: If you find yourself constantly comparing what you have to others or feeling envious of someone else’s wealth, possessions, or lifestyle, you may be experiencing a materialistic soul tie.

Placing Security in Wealth Instead of God: If you trust more in your bank account or financial stability for peace and security than in God’s provision, it’s a sign of misplaced trust.

Lack of Generosity: Materialistic soul ties can make it difficult to give generously, as your focus is on hoarding and protecting your wealth instead of using it to bless others.

3. How Materialistic Soul Ties Affect Your Spiritual Life

Materialistic soul ties can have profound consequences on your relationship with God. These attachments can:

Hinder Spiritual Growth: When your mind and heart are focused on worldly possessions, it's harder to grow spiritually and draw closer to God. Jesus told us to store up treasures in heaven, not on earth (Matthew 6:19-20).

Lead to Idolatry: Anything we prioritize over God becomes an idol in our lives. A materialistic soul tie makes wealth or possessions an idol, drawing us away from the worship and devotion God deserves.

Breed Discontent: Materialism often leaves us unsatisfied, constantly wanting more. No matter how much you acquire, it's never enough. This cycle of discontentment keeps you trapped, always seeking fulfillment in things rather than in Christ.

Strain Relationships: An unhealthy obsession with material things can damage relationships. You may find yourself neglecting loved ones or the church community because your priorities revolve around your possessions, career, or financial status.

Christians Sin

4. Biblical Steps to Break Free from Materialistic Soul Ties

Breaking free from materialistic soul ties is essential for your spiritual health and relationship with God. Here’s how to do it biblically:

a) Acknowledge and Repent

The first step is to recognize that materialism has become a stumbling block in your spiritual life. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any ungodly attachments to wealth, possessions, or status. Once you’re aware of them, confess your sin to God and repent (1 John 1:9). Repentance means turning away from these desires and idols and returning to God, placing Him as your ultimate source of joy, security, and satisfaction.

b) Surrender Your Possessions to God

Everything we have ultimately belongs to God. Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” Surrendering your material possessions and wealth to God means recognizing that He is the true owner of everything. Pray for the grace to let go of your attachments and to view your possessions as tools for His glory rather than symbols of your worth or success.

c) Renew Your Mind with God’s Word

Romans 12:2 instructs us to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Spend time meditating on Scriptures that focus on God’s provision, contentment, and the futility of material wealth. Verses like Matthew 6:25-34, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, and Proverbs 11:28 remind us that true security and peace come from God, not possessions.

By filling your heart and mind with the truth of God's Word, you can break the stronghold that materialism has over your thoughts and desires.

d) Practice Generosity and Stewardship

One of the best ways to break materialistic soul ties is by practicing generosity. Jesus teaches us that "it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). Start giving freely and joyfully, whether through tithes, offerings, or donations to those in need. Generosity breaks the grip of greed and helps us refocus on God’s kingdom and the well-being of others.

In addition to generosity, embrace biblical stewardship. This means managing your finances and possessions in a way that honors God. Recognize that He has entrusted these resources to you, not for your personal gain, but for His purposes. Be intentional about using your wealth to bless others and advance God's kingdom.

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e) Replace Worldly Desires with Kingdom Desires

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus instructs us to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Break the hold of materialism by shifting your focus from earthly treasures to heavenly ones. Invest in relationships, share the gospel, serve the church, and spend your time and resources on things that have eternal significance. As you pursue God's kingdom, material possessions will lose their grip on your heart.

f) Cultivate Contentment

Learn to be content in every circumstance, as the Apostle Paul did (Philippians 4:11-13). Contentment doesn’t come from having everything you want but from trusting that God is enough. Gratitude is the antidote to materialism. Regularly thank God for His provision and the blessings in your life, both big and small. This practice will help you focus on what you have rather than what you lack.

5. Maintaining Freedom from Materialistic Soul Ties

After breaking free from materialistic soul ties, it’s important to maintain that freedom by continuously guarding your heart against falling back into old patterns. Here are a few ways to stay free:

Keep Christ at the Center: Make your relationship with Jesus the most important thing in your life. Spend time daily in prayer, worship, and reading the Bible, drawing closer to God so that your heart remains aligned with His.

Stay Accountable: Share your journey with a trusted Christian friend or mentor who can keep you accountable. They can pray with you, offer guidance, and help you stay focused on God rather than material possessions.

Simplify Your Life: Consider simplifying your lifestyle by letting go of things you don’t need. Decluttering can be a spiritual exercise that reminds you not to place your worth in possessions.


Materialistic soul ties can silently hinder your spiritual growth and distract you from living a life fully surrendered to God. By acknowledging the issue, repenting, surrendering your possessions, and embracing generosity, you can break free from these ungodly ties. As you shift your focus from worldly things to God's kingdom, you will find true contentment, peace, and freedom in Christ.

If you feel bound by materialism today, take heart—God offers grace and freedom. Trust in His provision, seek His kingdom, and break the chains of materialism to walk in the abundant life He promises.

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